As part of Revolutionising Philanthropy, the first edition of a unique convergence of women’s funds in the Asia and Pacific; butterflies were created to divide the room into groups for various activities and discussions. The idea was to bring the diversity of all the countries in the room to the table while transcending the barriers of language using illustrations of these butterflies.
The brief was to research and identify a butterfly for each country and illustrate it. The butterflies featured are: Natewa Swallowtail, Queen Alexandria’s Birdwing, Luzon Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, The Saturn, Wallace’s Golden Birdwing, Intermediate Maplet, Mottled Emigrant, Phengaris Xiushani, Blue Pansy, Chocolate Mime, Brush Footed Butterfly, Asian Comma, Ceylon Rose, Great Mormon, Kaiser I Hind, Blue Moon Butterfly, Malabar Tree Nymph, Malay Red Harlequin and Meadow Argus.